Friday, December 3, 2010

A homemaking revelation

7am - get up, shower, get dressed
7:30a - kids up & in your face ready for FOOD!
8am - baby up & ready to be fed
8:15a - kids running around releasing ALL the energy they built up overnight
8:30a - diaper changes, get kids cleaned up & dressed
8:40a - chase child around to get a diaper on them & clothes too!!
8:45a - caught child & restrained to get diaper & clothes on
9a - watch Sesame Street (this is a daily ritual with a baby & toddler - and a lifesaver too)
9:15a - get first load of laundry in, check emails, facebook, etc.
9:45a - move wash to dryer & start another wash
10a - lay babies down for morning naps
10:15a - try to start school work
10:16a - realize the house needs cleaning first or someone may die from falling over toys
10:45a - oldest son asks for lunch! (Already?? You JUST ate!)
11a - feed baby
11:15a - start lunch & get toddler up from nap
11:30a - diaper changes & clean up from lunch
Noon - Mom's lunch (sometimes...)

And on and on!! Does this look like your day? This is most often what my day looks like. Add in a few more diaper changes, unexpected clean-ups, chasing kids in circles, play time with kiddos and you've got the picture! The afternoon isn't much calmer either! In fact, in some ways its busier!! I couldn't do it without a schedule!! A few posts ago I shared with you some of the schedules I use. Well, I must confess...I don't always get my planning done. And when I don't - WATCH OUT!!!! It's a crazy day! I feel like I can't see straight and I get completely overwhelmed with life. I end up frustrated and worn out. So, today my revelation was this. Try to plan 2 weeks out this time and then each week plan for 2 weeks from then. Did that confuse anyone else? Okay, so today I will plan meals for this week & next. Then, next Wed (the goal day of planning) I will plan for 2 weeks from then. That way I am always ahead by 1 week!! Then, if life gets crazy (as it did this week w/ family emergencies) I still have a plan and I won't be so overwhelmed! Sounds easy enough, right? Well, I'm pretty sure the hard part is putting it into practice!! I did have 6 weeks of school planned, so I am good there, but its the other little things of life that creep in and bog you down.

Matthew 6:25 - “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Isn’t there more to life than food and more to the body than clothing?"

If we plan ahead, we will not be consumed with worry!! Oh how nice that would be! I know this verse tends to speak to those worrying about "BIG" things, but God is concerned with even the trivial things in our life. He cares so much for us and wants us to rest in Him completely - daily.Life is busy enough without having to worry about what to eat for lunch & then stressing over dinner. Moral of the story: PLAN - PLAN - PLAN!!! If you plan ahead, you will be more able to make room for those unexpected things in life!

Happy Planning!!!

1 comment:

Lindsay and Co. said...

This is a verse we have on our fridge all the time:
"My child, don't lose sight of good planning and insight. Hang on to them, for they fill you with life and bring you honor and respect. They keep you safe on your way and keep your feet from stumbling." Proverbs 3:21-23
I plan school 6 weeks ahead of time, and I try to at least purchase groceries for the month (except produce). I might not have a menu, but I know what I usually need and just buy it, coming up with a menu based on what everyone wants to eat. It might require a quick trip to the local grocery store, but it is helpful. Not much else gets done, but I totally agree that having school done (my biggest planning event) 6 weeks ahead of time makes me a better mommy and teacher.