Friday, January 13, 2012

52 Fridays - Week 2

Little T taking his breathing treatment. We had to literally put him in a burrito to get this accomplished! He finally settled down and took the medicine while watching Little Einstein's. Thank goodness for videos!

So, last week I wrote out my goals for 2012. I was (and still am) so excited about them. But, as I reflect back on the week, I realize I failed more than I succeeded. UGH!!! No excuses, just life! This week has been an extremely difficult one for our family. For those of you who don’t know, we have 4 kids ages 6 and under. (Yes, it’s a bit crazy at our house most of the time!) Three of them are under 3yrs old!! And this week the 3 youngens all shared a respiratory virus (at least their sharing, right?!). So, on Wednesday I’d had enough & we loaded all 3 of them into the van and took a trip to our doctor. WOW!!! What an adventure!! Our 2.5yo son not only had the virus, but wheezing on top of it, which means FUN times giving breathing treatments every 4 hours. After several treatments on Wednesday, he still was tight and not getting better – in fact, he was a little worse. So, she added another medication in the nebulizer 2x a day and an oral steroid! UGH!!! Have you ever tried to restrain a 2.5yo for 30 minutes just to give him medication? Yeah…it’s not as easy as it sounds! Our daughters just have the respiratory virus, but trust me…that cough is brutal!! It’s waking both of them up all hours of the night and causing LOTS of sleeplessness for this momma!  But, I’ve been through this with the 6yo and know that this too shall pass – thankfully!!

So as I reflect on last weeks goals, here’s what I’m thankful for – RE-DO’S!!!! I can start fresh at any time and there is no punishment! I’m so thankful that my God is a gracious, loving, merciful and forgiving God!! Otherwise I’d be a lost cause.

I also realized that I can’t change everything in one week. It’s a process and it’s going to take time. I always have these lofty goals and visions for my week and when only 2-3 of my 15 items are completed at the end of the week I feel defeated. But, that’s not true!! I’ve completed 2-3 items and that’s more than ZERO! So, this year I would also like to add a goal of PERSISTENCE!! Even if I only complete 1 goal per week, I will continue on. I have an overall goal for the year that I can meet, but it’s just gonna take some time. Some of my goals may take all year to complete, while others may take a month or two and some just a few weeks.

In any case, it took a long time to put on the weight and clutter the house, so it’s gonna take more than a day, week or month to get it back in shape! Patience is going to be KEY in this journey to a more DISCIPLINED life. I know they say not to pray for patience, but I’ve come to realize it’s just what I need!!! I need patience to stay on task and complete my goals. I need perseverance to stay the course and keep my “eyes on the prize!”

So, if this week wasn’t your best or life just happened, will you join me AGAIN (or for the first time) on this 52 week journey? I sure hope so!! It’s so much easier to take a journey, especially a difficult one, with friends. The encouragement is invaluable and pushes us to keep on, keeping on!!  Happy Friday to you and I’ll see you back here next week!


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