Friday, March 2, 2012

52 Fridays: Weekly Update

Since Sunday night I have been battling an intestinal virus only compounded by my Crohn’s. I am so glad that today (Thursday) was a MUCH better day!!!! I have done what I could this week between an ALL DAY trip to the ER Monday and the weakness and tiredness that goes along with a virus. So, here’s my weekly update for what it’s worth.

  1. DAILY quiet time: I have not been keeping up very well this week. Spending most of my time either in bed or in the restroom proved more tiring than I thought. Starting fresh again Friday morning!!! NOTE: I’m so thankful we serve a merciful and gracious God. We may falter and fail at times, but when we can call on His name and pick right back up where we were. Andit’s like we’ve never left. Praise the Lord! 
  1. Weekly weight loss: I’m not sure this week is a good judge! Haha Although, I’ve probably lost some weight, I know it’s not due to healthy eatingbut lack of eating all together! Sowe’ll keep moving forward with this once I’m back to a more normal eating program. 
  1. Vintage Remedies 8 weeks to Real Foods: The next few weeks are being spent cleaning/clearing out the pantry and using up foods we have already purchased. Then, I hope to replace those foods with more “real” foods and healthier choices. 
  1. Homeschool Fun: Againnot much schooling going on with Momma down and out. We did have several teaching opportunities though that we seized the moment with. Right now those seem to have escaped my mindughI dislike getting old!! 
  1. Organization: I’m working on my pantry. It’s proving to be a bigger project than I thought, but I’m so happy to get it going!!!! I’ve got a vision and I can’t wait to make it work! 
  1. Staying caught up: Even though I was sick the better part of the week, I have remained quite caught up on laundry. I only have 2 loads to do tomorrow, which is right on track! YAY!!!! And, I’m pleased to say the dishes are caught up following dinner Thursday night! Double YAY!!!!! 
  1. Blog changes: I am still working on getting everything in place. But, hopefully in the next 2 weeks I’ll be rolling out the red-carpet to my new website!!!! I am so excited!!!! 
What are some of your favorite “Real” or “Whole” food recipes? I need some GREAT inspiration to get me motivated!!!


Linking up:

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